Nicholas B. Hall
Personal Injury Lawyer
Call Us Today! 701-352-2810
3425 South Washington St. Suite A Grand Forks 58201
Nelson vs Huckell
Jury verdict after trial in Sargent County awarding $135,000 to man suffering back injuries when struck from behind at a construction site
Estate of Jane Doe
Wrongful death settlement. Wife and mother
was killed with a child in head on collision.
Settlement: confidential terms. Substantial
award of insurance limits. Money placed into
structured settlements so that all survivors will
receive payments into future years nearly
doubling the original settlement.
Estate of Jane Doe v. Multiple
$1,950,000 awarded through settlement with
various defendants. Additional claims are
pending. 40 year old wife and mother killed in
collision with truck which went through stop
Stebbins v. Nursing Home
Elderly nursing home resident suffered
fractured leg when her attended wheelchair
went out of control and tipped. The fracture
was a contributing cause to her death several
months later. $215,000 settlement.
Estate of John Doe
Wrongful death settlement. 81 year old retired
farmer killed by trucker when making left turn
off highway. Settlement $156,000.
L.O. and D.H. v. Great West
Clients suffered back and neck injuries riding
in a pickup truck when struck by a semi-truck
which went through a stop sign at highway
speed. High six figure confidential settlement.
Magenau v. Transystems
Jury verdict, Pembina County , 17 year old
driver rolled vehicle at beet dump site.
Defendant's trucks had brought snow and
slush onto highway. Compression fractures of
back and continuing pain. Verdict of $343,000
with interest of $55,000. Final Judgment
reduced by 32% attributing fault to plaintiff and State.
Minor Child v. Farmers Union
Maximum insurance limits of $250,000
recovered in a case of child suffering
moderate brain injury in automobile collision.
Dundee Insurance v. Marifjeren
Summary Judgment, Walsh County .
Insurance company refused to pay claim for
lost potatoes in storage thru frost after blizzard Hannah knocked out electricity. Summary Judgment $110,464. See appeal to North Dakota Supreme Court at 587 NW2d 191.
Sally Smith v. John Doe
Wrongful death claim for 15 year old girl killed
in ATV/pickup collision. Insurance limits
Salazar v. Beet Farmer
Farm laborer sustained a serious leg injury
from malfunctioning auger. Substantial
confidential settlement.
Jane Smith v. Acme Co.
Woman suffered serious injury operating
machinery. Significant confidential settlement.
Kobetsky v. Allstate
Woman received facial injuries after being
thrown from a horse. Claim against horse
owner. Settled for $76,000.
Bornsen v. Progotrade, LLC, et al.
Supreme Court petition for expanded
interpretation of North Dakota product liability
statutes. Petition defeated by 3 to 2 decision.
2011 ND 183
Estate of T.K. v. Hotel Corporation
Confidential settlement reached with hotel
corporation and college fraternity for wrongful
death of pedestrian by intoxicated driver.
Previous settlements obtained from driver's
liability insurer for insurance limits.
John Doe v. Mary Smith
35 year old male suffered lumbar injuries in
motor vehicle collision. $115,000 settlement
Hjeldness v. Jones
Young man in auto suffered severe disc
herniation and chronic pain with significant
loss of income. $180,000 mediated
Jane Doe v. Mary Smith
10 year old girl attacked by neighbor dog,
resulting in significant arm lacerations and
mouth injury. $72,000 settlement.
Alison v. Smith Farms
Laborer suffered fractures to ribs and
vertebra, and significant hip injury in collision
involving employer's vehicle. $150,000
Jane Doe v. John Smith
ATV injury to leg of 14 year old girl under
grandparent supervision. Liability contested.
Mediated settlement for $100,000.
Jane Doe v. Beet truck
Minor girl injured in collision with beet truck,
loss of kidney. Total recovery $140,000.
Cameron v. Reilly
Pembina County trial regarding farm lease
dispute. Verdict for lessee. Legal holiday is not
calculated in determining lateness of payment.
Beaver V. Lamb
Injury settlement for motor vehicle accident.
Plaintiff suffered fractured hip. Recovery of
policy limits of $100,000.
Nodak v. Ferguson, et. al.
Successful lawsuit and District Court verdict
finding overweight truck causing damage to
bridge was an "accident" under policy.
John Doe v. John Smith
Paint ball eye injury to juvenile boy. Claim
based on lack of supervision by adult host.
Settlement $130,000
Riemers v. Mahar
Client submitted letter to editor criticizing
initiated measures regarding North Dakota
family law issues. Plaintiff sued client for
defamation. Court determined protected
speech and no defamation. See appeal to
North Dakota Supreme Court 2008 ND 95
John Doe v. BNSF
Injury settlement. Eight year old boy lost leg
below knee attempting to ride on railroad car.
Terms of settlement confidential.
Hunt v. Banner Health
Summary Judgment by Trial Court reversed.
Resident care attendant at nursing home may
proceed with action for wrongful termination.
See appeal to North Dakota Supreme Court at
720 NW2d 49
Ziegler v. Dahl
Summary Judgment, Ramsey County .
Plaintiffs sued Defendants over alleged
partnership termination seeking substantial
damages. Defendants granted Summary
Judgment. See appeal to North Dakota
Supreme Court at 691 NW2d 271.
Villegas V. Anderson
Female rear ended on highway by man who
had fallen asleep at wheel. Soft tissue back
injury. Settlement $97,500.
Kram v. Hooey
Successful litigation and District Court verdict
in lawsuit finding possession of real estate
after oral agreement was sufficient to establish
contract. Cavalier County District Court No.
Jane Doe v. Smith Farms
Injury settlement. 44 year old female re-injured
back when struck in her vehicle by truck
carrying combine on narrow bridge.
Settlement $175,000.
Jane Doe v. John Smith
Teenage girl suffered injuries and moderate
brain damage in head on collision with car
attempting to pass in traffic.
Settlement $250,000, insurance limits
Hills, Inc. v. Schwarz
Jury verdict, Mercer County . Verdict for
Plaintiff implement dealer against farmer in
dispute over warranty on potato harvester.
Verdict $71,000 with interest.
Jane Doe v. John Smith
Woman suffered facial fractures and moderate
brain injury in collision with stalled truck in her
lane at night. Settlement $375,000 with
guaranteed payments for life.
Lowe v. Clinic and Hospital
Medical malpractice settlement. Retired
physician had brain injury resulting from
surgery and after care. Settlement $150,000.
Thompson v. Danner
Court trial. Grand Forks County farmers in
alleged partnership or joint venture sued each
other and bank over crop proceeds. Court
found bank security interest prevailed. Court
awarded $408,300. See appeal to North
Dakota Supreme Court at 507 NW2d 550.
Thompson v. Danner
Court trial. Grand Forks County farmers in
alleged partnership or joint venture sued each
other and bank over crop proceeds. Court found
bank security interest prevailed. Court awarded
Puppe v Puppe
Successful litigation and District Court verdict
in lawsuit challenging decedents' Last Will and
Testament. Pembina County District Court No.